First we'd like you to tell us a bit about who you are...
If you would like to add links to your social channels / online portfolio add them below…
(This is optional – to skip simply click the right arrow)
Next we want you to create your summary for your CV...
Next up your skills...
Enter your Top 6 Skills
This could be technical skills such as "PHP Development", experience with specific tools such as "Adobe Creative Suite" or soft skills such as "Customer Service"
Now lets talk about your work experience...
Enter your most recent work experience
Enter work experience prior to your latest...
Now let’s look at your Education experience!...
Enter your most recent / noteable educational achievement:
Enter another educational achievement:
Would you like to add any other completed courses / accreditations?
(e.g. First Aid Qualification / Google Digital Courses / Leadership qualification / Languages etc.)
Completed courses / accreditations
Enter the details...
Now lets get an insight into your personality - tell us about your hobbies outside of work
Hint: This is your time to give an insight into your personality, but it can be useful to highlight out of work activities that compliment the role you are applying to (e.g. attending Tech MeetUps, participating in Podcasts, gaming and coding etc.)
Would you like to include any references?
This isn't essential to include on your CV, but many employers will ask for references as part of the application process. This could be a Teacher / Lecturer or a Manager from a previous job role.
Add second reference...
Select the following in order of how you'd like them to appear on your CV
Your CV is now ready to download!